Professional Dance Artists Required
Shropshire & Telford and Wrekin
KS1 & 2 Teachers Dance Training
This project requires 4 professional dance artists based in the West Midlands.
Project description:
Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin Councils are currently working in partnership with DanceXchange and Youth Dance England to develop, support and champion dance for children and young people within the sub-region.
During January to March 2011, teachers who deliver dance in primary schools across Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin will attend a training program run by Penny Perrett, currently Advisory Teacher for Dance in Worcestershire.
The training will provide the teachers with the skills to plan and deliver high quality dance experiences for their pupils.
The partners require dance artists to work with between six and seven primary schools. They will work in partnership with the teachers who have attended the training course, supporting them in planning, delivering and evaluating their dance classes. This support will help to ensure the teachers feel confident in delivering high quality dance within the national curriculum.
- Dance training to higher education level or at least 2 years experience working in primary schools. This can include part-time work, i.e. one hour a week for 2 years (essential).
- Completed Dance Links Training or equivalent (essential) Please see further post for information on Free Dance Links Training being run in Shropshire on Wednesday 5th January 2011.
- Experience of teaching dance as part of the PE National Curriculum
- Have choreographic experience
- Experience in facilitating the creativity of young people
- Experience in using dance to explore issues and themes
All applicants must be interested and committed to the project and meet all the requirements listed.
Project timetable / Commitments
- Attend free Dance Links Training, if not already dance links trained. The training will take place on: Wednesday 5th January 2011 from 1.00pm to 4.00pm at the Shrewsbury Sport’s Village.
- The training delivered by a National Dance Teachers Association trainer, will help dance artists develop their skills and experience in delivering dance in schools, both within and beyond the curriculum.
- Please note this is not the full Dance Links training which is run by the National Dance Teachers Association over two days.
- From February to March 2011, support between six and seven primary schools. Dance artists are to spend five hours working in each school; this time will be allocated as follows:
1 hour planning
3 hours delivery
1 hour evaluation
- Attend three training sessions on the following dates:
Date TBC (Training Session One, 2.50 hours – Dance Artists Only)
Thursday 10th February 2011 - Training Session Two, 2.50 hours, from 1.00pm to 3.30pm to include Dance Artists and Schools at Greenacres Primary School, Shrewsbury.
Thursday 24th March 2011 - Training Session Three, 2.50 hours from 1.00pm to 3.30pm to include Dance Artists and Schools at Greenacres Primary School, Shrewsbury.
The Dance Artists will be paid £35 per hour, for the work in schools and attending the three training sessions. This fee is inclusive of all expenses, no additional payment will be paid for travel etc.
The artists will be appointed on a freelance basis and will be responsible for their own tax and National Insurance contributions.
Application Procedure:
The deadline for receipt of submissions is Wednesday 15th December 2010. Please include:
A current CV
Names and addresses of two referees who can provide evidence of the quality of your work and the way in which you work with children and young people.
A short proposal of no more than 1000 words detailing how you meet the requirements above.
Please note that because of the nature of this work successful applicants will be required to undergo an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check, which will form part of the contract and will be arranged and paid for by Shropshire Council.
Send completed applications to:
Alexa Pugh, Arts Development Service, Shropshire Council,
Shirehall, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 6ND
Please also send a copy of your application by email to:
For more information please contact: Alexa Pugh, Arts Development Officer at Shropshire Council for an informal discussion or more details on 01743 255938 or email
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